Our Team

My name is Ioannis Pitikakis.
I have been involved in animal welfare for over 22 years.
My philosophy is that all animals deserve to live with dignity, safety and in freedom.
They need friendship and real love and should always be respected. To be able to rescue so many animals and to help and
take care of them gives an unbelievable rewarding feeling.

I started to volunteer on Jutta Shelter’s social media on October 2020. Their social media was just starting, even though the shelter has been running for many years. It was exciting to be able to give the shelter and its animals exposure to a wide audience, making people aware of their work. Since then, the number of supporters just keeps growing. We fondly call them “Jutta family”. After being deeply involved with the shelter on a daily basis, I decided to go and volunteer on site for a few months. It was a wonderful enriching experience that I’ll never forget. Meeting all the animals I had grown to love and helping in the shelter daily was very fulfilling. I will continue to be a part of Jutta shelter’s background team.

In the summer of 2021 we visited Jutta shelter. Immediately my heart went out to all the good and important work that Ioannis and his team are doing day after day.
When I was back in Holland I got together with my good friend Monica and with Marco from WP Provider. We decided to create this Jutta website free of charge.
We will be working behind the scenes to give support to the Jutta shelter.
“Each one of us can make a difference, together we can make a change

I have always loved animals. There has always been a special affinity between animals and me. Even animals that are not friendly with others will quickly come round and trust me. It was only natural that I would choose to work with my passion, animals. I have a lot of experience working in animal shelters. To work with the animals in Jutta shelter is a pleasure, to care for them and share cuddles every day is really special.

Hi I’m Iain and I volunteer at Jutta Shelter helping create social media content. I mainly work in the background, editing. I visited the shelter one summer and helped Ioannis on day to day tasks. It was amazing helping so many animals! I also adopted a sweet senior, Lisa, from the Shelter whilst I was there. She now lives with me in not so sunny England! Even though the climate is colder she has got used to her cozy sofa lifestyle and is surrounded by a lot of love.